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Artisanal willow weaving

Learn to weave with Amanda Rayner, award-winning willow weaver with over two decades of craftsmanship under her belt.

Wyldwood Willow Artisinal Willow weaving 1.2
Wyldwood Willow Learn to Weave 1.2

Become a willow weaver

Learn willow weaving with Amanda Rayner. Amanda teaches live workshops throughout the year in various places around the United Kingdom. Get hands on in small groups with plenty of guidance to provide you with confidence and deep understanding of the craft. Workshops are available for all experience levels and range from weaving a willow coffin to creating willow hearts.

Upcoming workshops

Become a willow weaver at home

Get grounded in nature, by learning the traditional craft of willow weaving. Begin by creating willow decorations like stars and advance to willow basketry and beyond!

If you prefer learning at your own pace from the comfort of your own home Amanda has a series of weaving masterclasses and willow kits available, so you can explore willow weaving from anywhere!

Wyldwood Willow Weave at Home 1.2

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_Wyldwood Willow Meet The Maker 1.2

Meet the Maker

Meet Amanda Rayner, founder of Wyldwood Willow and seasoned artisan of willow weaving. With a creative spirit that knows no bounds, Amanda crafts everything from practical willow baskets and serene coffins to breathtaking artistic sculptures and living garden structures.

Her creations are not just pieces; they are expressions of her artistry and the natural world. With meticulous attention to detail, she weaves beauty into every strand, turning humble willow into extraordinary works of art.

Amanda's talents are available year-round, and she welcomes commissions that challenge her creativity and skills. If you have a vision in mind, Amanda will work closely with you to bring it to life, weaving your dreams into reality.

Bring your home and garden to life with Wyldwood Willow


Traditional willow crafts with a modern twist. Choose from a beautiful range of one-of-a-kind, handmade, natural willow baskets for daily use or home and gardenware. These are ideal for interior and exterior decor. Willow basketry makes for the perfect gift too!

A small selection of items available are featured below.

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2 days ago

Wyldwood Willow
Last years coffin courses were a huge success 🙌 I thoroughly enjoyed sharing my skills and getting to know everyone who came along!! Dates for this years courses have been added to my website, the first one coming up is in March. Followed by May, September and October. 🌱 New Addition 🌱 5 Day Workshop I have added an optional extra day to include the coffin lining. I had lots of requests to do this so have finally upgraded to offer this special finishing touch. The lining used is waterproof biodegradable natural cotton.Spaces are still available but limited. Follow the link in my bio for more information ✨️.....#willow#willowweaving#weavingworkshop#willowworkshop#willowcoffin#naturalcoffin#naturalburial#sustainable#sustainability#craftcourses#naturalcrafts#learntoweave#baskets#coffins#greenburial#naturalcoffins#weaving#handmade##madeinmonmouthshire#burialmeadow#greenfuneral#greencoffin#crafts#greencrafts ... See MoreSee Less
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4 weeks ago

Wyldwood Willow
It's so good to cut the first crop of willow @garlic_farm here on the Isle of Wight...We planted it last spring and in its first year it has produced this! 12 new varieties to add to my growing collection!I am super EXCITED 😄 to announce that I will be running workshops here on the farm starting this spring! Give us a week to finalise the details and you can browse and book through the Garlic Farm website.... I'll add the link when we are ready...This lovely willow grown on the farm will also be woven into beautiful and useful creations which will be available very soon in the shop. #garlicfarm#wetsystems#byproduct#biologicdesign#willow#filtration #filtrationsystems #wetlands #ecosystem #willowweaving #willowcutting #willowharvest #willowharvesting #weavingdreams #willowworkshops #basketmaking #basketmakingworkshop #weavewhatyouwant #weaveyourown #willowvarieties #homegrown #madeontheiow#wyldwoodwillow ... See MoreSee Less
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1 month ago

Wyldwood Willow
I love coming back to the Isle of Wight...such a special place to grow up, it always evokes a raw emotion, just getting on the ferry.Today the birds are feeding as it nears dusk, I am contemplating the same...and looking forward to a couple of days of willow harvesting @garlic_farm I am excited to see how the spring planting has grown. Iiterally Can't wait to try it out!!!#garlicfarm#isleofwight#iloveiow #baskets#weaving#willowharvesting#wyldwoodwillow ... See MoreSee Less
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