Bespoke Willow Creations
Woven the way you like it, customised to your specifications and desires. As a master willow weaver, Amanda loves the challenge of taking someones dream and turning it into a reality. Whether you want a sculpture, living willow structure, coffin or unique basket, Wyldwood Willow is ready to provide.

Coffin Making
Following the loss of her own child in 2001, Amanda found that natural funeral arrangements in the South West were severely lacking. Green burial sites were thin on the ground and supplies of sustainably produced coffins were few and far between. Consequently, she found a private burial site for her daughter and decided to make her a coffin with her own hands. This was the birth of Wyldwood Willow and has remained a core offering ever since. Build your own or commission Amanda to create a bespoke coffin for your loved one.
Living Willow & Sculptures
Living willow structure or sculpture can bring any outdoor space to life with this unique touch of creativity complementing the natural environment. Amanda has been commissioned by botanical gardens, schools and stately homes to create willow structures and is able to travel throughout the U.K. to complete commissions.
Additionally, Amanda manages a willow grove and sells living willow cuttings in the spring.